2001 / M / Reviews

Sept 10: Monsters, Inc.

“Monsters generate their city’s power by scaring children, but they are terribly afraid themselves of being contaminated by children, so when one enters Monstropolis, top scarer Sulley finds his world disrupted.”
Directed by: Pete Docter, Rated: G, 92 minutes

There are just a handful of movies that come out these days that actually inspire your creative side. Imaginative flicks are rare, but when a good one comes along, it’s even more special. Monsters, Inc. is one of those movies. Pixar’s 2001 movie is one of their best, and it creates a world so exciting, so original, and so damn genius you can’t help but love every minute of it. You continue to want to explore Monstropolois with Mike and Sully and meet every monster on the street corner and at Monsters, Inc. Even little Boo, a kid who sneaks into the realm of monsters, immediately grabs your attention and heart. 


The film tells the story of how the monsters at Monsters, Inc. capture the screams of the children they scare and use them as a source of energy to run a bustling city. James “Sulley” Sullivan (voiced by John Goodman) and his assistant and best friend, Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal) lead in the number of all-time screams. In the world of Monstropolis, children are the source of energy from their fear, but they are also considered dangerous by the monsters, and even a sock from a kid’s room needs to be contained and disinfected. After Sulley accidentally lets in Boo, a young girl who finds the monster to be an adorable giant kitty, Sulley and Mike must figure out what to do, as this breach of security means deadly consequences for the monsters and the city. It’s not long after Boo arrives that Sulley begins bonding with the kid and realizes that children are not as deadly as everyone is made to believe. Mike and Sulley must then figure out a way to get Boo safely back to her room, while evading the authorities and the up-to-no-good Randal Boggs (Steve Buscemi) a rival monster. 

Not since Buzz and Woody have we seen a friendship like this. 

Monsters, Inc. creates a fun cast of characters you love almost immediately. Billy Crystal and John Goodman do such good jobs you can easily tell how much fun they’re having. Each actor completely embodies the character they voice and seeing them inhabit an even more colorful and interesting world makes Monsters, Inc. all the more better. The humor is strong as well, and each laugh isn’t tailored specifically to kids (as most of Pixar’s humor is). With the recent announcement of Monsters University, a prequel to Monsters, Inc., it’s exciting thinking that we’ll get a chance to revisit the world created with this film, as every aspect of it is memorable. Boo, the cute-as-a-button little girl has so much to love about her and she’s still one of the most accurate and adorable portrayals of a kid in an animated flick. The fact Pixar cast an actual little girl (Mary Gibbs) adds to their genius and makes Boo one of the most beloved characters in Pixar history, at least in my opinion. 


As I mentioned, Monsters, Inc. is an incredibly creative film. It’s such a simple, yet genius idea that makes you wish you thought of it yourself. It also has a great message, showing that a child’s laugh is more powerful than his/her scream, and that even the things that go bump in the night have their own worries as well. While it’s not the greatest Pixar film, visually, it makes up for it in its imagination and character design. Mike and Sulley are completely different monsters, and certainly represent the nerd and the popular guy you see in high school. Yet, their friendship works and along with their growing love for Boo, is the heart of the film. I would highly recommend this film. Chances are you have already seen it (as had I), but I suggest revisiting it and being reminded at how good it really is. Hearing something in your closet at night doesn’t have to scare you. With Monsters, Inc., you’ll see why. 

The Good:
One of Pixar’s most imaginative films, crafting hilarious and heart-warming characters in a vibrant world
The Better:
Billy Crystal and John Goodman voicing Mike and Sulley, and knowing that no one else could voice these characters
The Best: 
Knowing that original films can still be made and having faith (even if it’s now a little shaky) that Pixar will continually deliver 

Overall: 9.2/10


And if you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the trailer for Monsters University

0 thoughts on “Sept 10: Monsters, Inc.

  1. Alot of people have this as one of pixars weakest films after the car films, but I disagree I find it hard to chose between the likes of the incredible, Wall E, Up, etc but what I know is that they are all top drawer and after watching Monster Inc recently with my son its still brilliant..

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