blogathons and such

October Blogathon: Most F**ked Up Movies You’ve Ever Seen

Movies are more than just film on a screen. They can be nightmares, haunting our dreams and sleepless nights. Movies keep us up at night, on edge under the covers, gripping the sheets as tight as we can whenever the slightest sound echoes through the empty house. Movies inspire fear. They make you wonder if there really is something (or someone) hiding right outside your window, waiting for you to fall asleep before it makes a move. Movies make us question if we’re alone or if there’s more out there, be it a ghost wailing in the dark or a demon looking to make a deal. Movies show us the insides of human bodies, blood and gore spilling out with every slash, gunshot, or stabbing. Villains of the screen want nothing more than to tear us apart. Movies make you fear disease and all the flesh eating bacteria, zombie-turning viruses that could ruin the world we live in. And of course, movies make you sick, with gross-out moments and all-too-real bloody scenes that turn our stomachs inside out. 

This is a blogathon for those movies. I want to hear what films make you hate life, make you sick, or make you so disgusted you swear you’ll never watch it again. I want to hear about the movie that’s so grotesque, you feel compelled to show your friends and look away at all the gross moments because you know how f**ked up it all is. 

So, below I want you to post links to reviews, articles, essays, etc. about what you think is the most f**ked up movie(s) you’ve ever seen. Now, it doesn’t have to be a horror movie, because we all know we’ve seen our own share of other sorts of things that are equally disturbing. Hell, it could even be a kids movie you found too messed up for your little brain. 

More than just straight links to reviews, though, I want to know WHY you think something is the most f**ked up ever. Dissect it, tear it apart, abuse the movie like it abuses you. Let it have it. And do it with a smile on your face. 


Benend’s Basment’s Review of Martyrs
Robert of The Sketchy Details Reviews Inside
Dave of KLF-Film Reviews The Sinful Dwarf
Amy of YAM Magazine Reviews Sex Zen 3D
Julyssa of YAM Magazine Reviews Catepillar
What Happened to Hollywood? Talks about Cannibal Holocaust
Gore Girl Reviews Hard Gore
Camiele of YAM Magazine Reviews Ichi the Killer
Camiele also reviews Se7en

Benend’s Basement’s “Five Most Disturbing Films of my Childhood”
Dusty On Movies Breaks Down a Bunch of Films
The Vern’s Videovangaurd’s Top 4 Scariest Movies of All Time
Elwood from The Depths of DVD Hell’s Article: “Honey, Let’s Screw Up the Kids”
Karl at Xs Mark the Spot Discusses Deviant Cinema
Andrew of Two Tickets For… Breaks Down the Six Most Messed Up Movies He’s Ever Seen

0 thoughts on “October Blogathon: Most F**ked Up Movies You’ve Ever Seen

  1. Oh okay, “the entire month”, so we can start now, great 😀 This should be an interesting one, I already have a couple of submissions in mind.

  2. As an adult there are certain movies which you watched as a kid, which for reason or another stick with you, be it the memorable characters, catchy songs or sometime just because they managed to scar your fragile little mind with scenes, which really question if these films were ever intentionally made for kids in the first place.Many of these early shocks still stick with me now and are largely the reason that I still haven’t rewatched them since then. So in a bid to put to rest some of these childhood horrors, here are my top six films which it’s safe to say left a lasting impression on me for perhaps all the wrong reasons!

  3. Did someone say A l’interieur? As soon as I saw the title of this blogathon, I knew that would be my choice. I’m not afraid of this new wave of French brutality in horror (love Frontier(s) and Haute Tension) or even over the top gore. A l’interieur is so messed up because it exists only to be a messed up hour of torture.

  4. Interesting! I had no idea at first, since I usually stay away of the genre of horror, but Elwood pointed out something interesting as far as perspective goes.. I might write something for this in relation to when I was a kid and saw this so called f*cked up movie that as an adult is completely normal. Would this count? It would be a different prospective but I would think it would be fun to write about it.

  5. Nick, have you seen Eden Lake ? I didn’t review it, but that’s the most disturbing horror film I’ve ever seen. At the time, I wanted to slap the director for creating those evil torture scenes, which potentially could inspire copycats.

  6. Hi there. I’m Camiele from YAM Magazine. So, one of my favourite films of all time is Ichi the Killer. I wrote a review for it over at YAM because, you know, it’s one of the most disgusting films ever made. also wrote something about the film Se7en over at my blog, Madasa Writing. It’s second only to Ichi in terms of being the nastiest, filthiest film of all time!

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