the trailer park

The Trailer Park: Oblivion

2013 looks to be the year of science fiction. We have Pacific Rim, the mega-robot vs. giant monster flick (starring Idris Elba), Elysium, director Neil Blomkamp’s second film after the glorious District 9, Gravity, Alfonso Cuaron’s character driven space flick, and Oblivion, the topic of today’s Trailer Park. Starring Tom Cruise, the movie tells a story about the end of the world, or more so, the cleanup after the apocalypse. Driven off of earth by alien invaders, the human race has ceased to exist on the third rock from the sun and Jack (Cruise) is part of the team that investigates the planet, fixing drones and fighting aliens. After a routine trip earth-side goes wrong, Jack finds himself in all heaps of trouble, with a force of refugees lead by Morgan Freeman, as well as the alien invaders looking to extinguish the human race.

While the trailer for Oblivion doesn’t tell a lot about the story, you can get a decent vibe from the video and can certainly see a lot of originality in the film. It’s a movie directed by Joseph Kosinski (whose only other film is Tron: Legacy) and you can definitely see his style at work. He also utilizes some pretty great practical effects and large sets which make Oblivion even more appealing in my eye. My biggest complaint is that Tom Cruise is our hero. While I swear to watch the man in any of his countless vehicles, I just don’t think I can believe him as a drone-tech. Even Morgan Freeman (God himself) feels out of place in the midst of the end of it all and I really wish smaller stars, or even no-name actors, were cast in the leads. But I guess Universal learned from Disney and John Carter that it’s not always the best idea…

Oblivion hits theaters much sooner than you’d expect- April 19, 2013. The movie also stars Olga Kurlyenko, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones), Zoe Bell, and Melissa Leo. And yes, it will be in IMAX.

You can also watch the trailer in HD right here.

0 thoughts on “The Trailer Park: Oblivion

  1. Okay. Wow.

    I think Tom Cruise looks slightly more believable than he does as Jack Reacher. Although, his other sci fi films, Minority Report and War of the Worlds, are two movies I never plan on revisiting.

    Love TRON: Legacy. The effects look cool. I’m sold.

      • I used to own it. I don’t hate it. I just don’t love it as much as most people. Like it’s not a film that I can watch over and over again. I like the time travel aspect and how some of it predicted the future in a way. Just not one of my favorites.

  2. Pingback: Trailer Park: After Earth | The Cinematic Katzenjammer

  3. Pingback: The Trailer Park: Oblivion (More Footage!) | The Cinematic Katzenjammer

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