T / the trailer park

The Trailer Park: To The Wonder

Well, Terrence Malick is making another movie.

I don’t know how I feel about it either. The trailer for his upcoming To the Wonder is attached below, and I’ve got to admit – I’m more intrigued by this trailer than I am for most. It seems to be that Malick is trying to – at some level, anyway, reconnect with the audience he left flapping in the wind like dirty socks with his last film Tree of Life. I’m in no way trying to downtalk Malick’s genius – I think the man is a genius. I’m just saying that Tree of Life wasn’t a good movie. Everyone’s got off days.

I’ve had a somewhat conflicted relationship with Malick since I first watched The Thin Red Line. I’ve come to truly love that film. I think it’s visual poetry. Some of the dialogue and imagery will haunt me…well, forever. Regardless, even if I didn’t have the odd relationship I’ve got with Malick, the trailer for To the Wonder has captured my attention. The camerawork is distinctly Malick, Javier Bardem plays a priest, and Ben Affleck doesn’t have to say anything in a Bostonian accent. All in all, it’s got my vote. What do you think?

(P.S. I read somewhere that it should be a federal offense to post a trailer for a Terrence Malick film in 360P. I completely agree, but as of right now that’s as high definition as we’re gonna get.)

0 thoughts on “The Trailer Park: To The Wonder

  1. Dude… I watched this trailer as soon as I got home from work today and searched for it on youtube. First thing I noticed was that it wasn’t in HD and you’re right, that shit should be illegal! I really enjoyed the trailer, it’s very Malick.

    • Watching Malick in 360P is tantamount to watching the Lord of the Rings in black and white. I’ll update the page as soon as I find something a little nicer.

    • I have a feeling this one will go very well with audiences…I don’t know why. Maybe it’s friendlier than most of Malick’s work? Accessible is a good choice of word…

  2. The most exciting part about this for me is Olga Kurylenko. She’s sexy, yes, but I think she’s actually talented. So seeing her in a super-drama is exciting.

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