the trailer park

The Trailer Park: Dead Man Down

Ever since 2008’s In Bruges, Colin Farrell has proven he’s much more than a good looking action star and can actually carry a film, be it a drama or a comedy. Since then (and even a little beforehand), I’ve followed his career like a hawk, waiting for whatever new film of his, be it a mermaid love story, or a self-aware movie about a handful of psychopaths. So, you can only imagine my excitement upon seeing the trailer for his newest film, Dead Man Down. Not only does the movie look like a smart, action thriller, it’s directed by a man who knows how to make a movie, Niels Arden Opley (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo).

Dead Man Down tells the story of Victor (Farrell), an ex-con (I think?) who does a bunch of dirty work for a crime lord, played by Terrence Howard. After a scarred woman he gets friendly with (Noomi Rapace) reveals she knows his secrets, she blackmails him into killing the man who hurt her (who happens to be Howard). Action ensues with a little sex and some shootouts, and Farrell must figure out a way to take out the man who’s ruining the lives of all of those around him.

Check out the trailer below for a better understanding of the plot (I’m just guessing at this point). Dead Man Down hits theaters March 8. The film also stars Armand Assante and Dominic Cooper.

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