
Bradley Cooper May Play Lance Armstrong in Biopic

Just the other day, Bradley Cooper publicly expressed his interest in playing Lance Armstrong in the eventual biopic, and it looks that his interest may actually turn into something. On January 22, Cooper was quoted saying “I would be interested in [playing Armstrong]. I think he’s fascinating. What a fascinating character.”

Entertainment tonight reports that Cooper is in talks to star in the film, which is to be based off of the book, Cycle of Lies: The Fall of Lance Armstrong. J.J. Abrams and his studio, Bad Robot (along with Paramount), purchased the rights to the book shortly after Lance Armstrong admitted to doping during his time as champion of the bicycling world.

The book, written by Juliet Macur, covers Armstrong’s life over ten years, from his rise to champion status, his battle with cancer, and his eventual decline. The recent news of his admitting to lying over that span only adds more drama to the story.

While this is far from being anything official, it leaves us with a lot to think about. Personally, I think that a film about Armstrong is far from being something worth bringing to the bring screen and I can only think it would be something I’d find on Lifetime or the Hallmark channel. Sure, the story is in good hands with Abrams and Bad Robot, but is there really a good story worth telling this quickly after the cyclists’ decline?

What are your thoughts on the news? Do you think the story is worth bringing to film?

0 thoughts on “Bradley Cooper May Play Lance Armstrong in Biopic

  1. I think it’s a little too soon, and as much as I like Cooper he does not resemble Lance Armstrong at all. I think it’s a pretty worthy story to tell because despite his doping the stuff he accomplished was phenomenal. Maybe it would be better to just do a story about this and the baseball players all at once so we never have to hear about it again.

  2. i think the idea of a physical resemblance is overrated, but it seems to be important to the public. as far as the actual film, i don’t expect people to care. he’s a villain, but not even a good villain like darth vader. people will associate seeing the film with putting money (more money) in armstrong’s pockets. they’ll know they’re just going to walk out the theater feeling like crap. i wouldn’t waste my time watching it.

    • Like I said, it feels like it would fit much better on Lifetime or something. Not that you’d seek it out, but if you’re really bored and want to watch a bad movie, 20 minutes or so of tuning into it wouldn’t be that bad.

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