
Duncan Jones to Direct World of Warcraft Movie

Believe it or not, I’m a recovering “addict” when it comes to World of Warcraft. It’s a mindless, ever-expanding game that steals your soul faster than you could ever imagine and never lets go. Luckily, I’m about eleven months clean. Unfortunately, with this recent news, a new excitement may be growing inside me and that itching curiosity may bring me back to Azeroth.

Duncan Jones, the director of Source Code and Moon, is set to take the reins on the long-delayed World of Warcraft movie. Originally set to be directed by Sam Raimi (Spider-Man), World of Warcraft was supposed to bring to life the world’s most popular video game and of course, make billions of dollars.

Charles Leavitt (K-Pax, Blood Diamond) is writing the script for the film, which is now called Warcraft, and has kept the details of the secret (for now). One can assume it’ll be the first movie to jump-start a franchise (aren’t they all?) and will be in the style of The Pirates of the Caribbean films, blending action and humor.

Produced by Legendary Pictures, Warcraft will be another big budget blockbuster added to their canon, along with this year’s Man of Steel and Pacific Rim.


Duncan Jones has been an under-the-radar filmmaker lately, but (in my opinion) has helped revive the sci-fi genre that’s set to have one hell of a year in 2013. I’m very excited about the news, as Jones has always discussed how much he wanted to do a “faithful” video game- film adaptation. As a side note, I would love to have his Moon composer, Clint Mansell, re-team with Jones for an epic score for Warcraft. But alas, at this point I’m just dreaming.

While the film’s release is a couple of years away (Legendary is aiming of 2015), with the news of a director attached, we can assume the production will again venture onward. Expect plenty of rumors to surround the project and even more once details of the script leak out.

What are your thoughts on the news? Do you think Jones is the right fit for the job?

Source: Hollywood Reporter

0 thoughts on “Duncan Jones to Direct World of Warcraft Movie

  1. Another wow veteran here! I spent four years in Azeroth and god knows how many hours. A gnome mage with pink pigtails, that was me. I loved the social aspect of it, being a part of a guild, doing raids and all that stuff, but in the end: it’s the same thing you do over and over again with slightly different skins and finally enough was enough so I quit cold turkey in June 2011 and I have no plans on returning, movie or not.
    Like you I approve very much of the choice of director and I’ll definitely watch it when it comes out.

  2. The WoW veterans begin to emerge from the woodwork. I played on and off for years, still pop on every now and again, namely to bring new people into the fold. It’s a fun game, I don’t understand the hatred/stigma attached to it. I haven’t played in a while, because I’m just too busy these days, but this news is AWESOME. I loved both Source Code and Moon, and if there’s a director who can do something awesome with Azeroth it’s Duncan. Arthas? Anyone? I know he got killed off in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion but still…Arthas? Please?

    • Arthas would be a good build up. Also, since he’s doing more Warcraft (I believe) the Lich King doesn’t come along until later. But it would still be good.

  3. I wonder if the WoW movie will make you see it in groups and then you have to split the satisfaction at the end. I also really hope Leroy Jenkins has been contacted and they begged him to be the main character.

    • There’s a billion references/easter eggs that must happen in the film. Leroy is definitely one of the them. Even if it’s a, “Oh my god. He went in!”

  4. I love it when people play the blame game and claim WoW stole their soul. it makes no sense. No video game, drug, etc has the power to do that. I’m an ex-drug addict, and it wasn’t until I realized that nothing stole my soul that I was able to get/stay clean. How you handled your time in WoW was your responsibility. You allowed yourself to get sucked in because you obviously have real-life issues that you were trying to escape.

    Stop blaming everything around you, and accept that it was you ultimately that allowed your soul to deteriorate.

    Man, it’s just like that guy’s family that blamed Everquest for their son committing suicide. people these days…

    On topic: I look forward to this movie, and am going to log in for a good old-fashioned, soul-sucking fix.

    • Nah, I’m pretty sure the game stole my soul. I wander life hopeless and confused, with no passion or creativity. My motor skills have suffered, my social skills are non-existent. In fact, I don’t even know why I continue to live besides the routine and habit that’s built up over the years. WoW has destroyed my life and I will never. EVER. get it back. Tis a shame.

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