Virtual Katz

GTA V- Two-Gen Release? Now Set for Sept

Sunday cruise just the way every criminal envisions it.

Sunday cruise just the way every criminal envisions it.

Rockstar today announced, via a press statement, that their beloved open-world criminal video game Grand Theft Auto V will be released on September 17th of this year. This is later than originally anticipated as before the game was originally projected for a May release to retailers. Instead, Rockstar may have another plan for their latest iteration of GTA up their sleeve.

With the expectation that the new consoles from Microsoft and Sony will be represented at this years E3, this could be a strategic plan by Rockstar to not only bring GTA V to the XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3, but also to release a next generation version as well. This is only the second game to have a post-E3 release date, Splinter Cell Blacklist this past week did the same in pushing their game from April back to August.

Of course, this could just stay a current generation title and strictly release to the systems already on the market, but it could also be an sign that internally they concluded that a port wouldn’t prove as difficult as originally anticipated.

No matter the case, Rockstar has no intentions of saying exactly why they are pushing back the title other than it needs polish. In the statement they at least acknowledged the fans disappointment saying, “We know this is about four months later than originally planned and we know that this short delay will come as a disappointment to many of you, but, trust us, it will be worth the extra time. GTAV is a massively ambitious and complex game and it simply needs a little more polish to be of the standard we and, more importantly, you require.”

JAWS!!! No not really, but you could be eaten by a shark in GTA V, only not as soon as originally thougt

JAWS!!! No not really, but you could be eaten by a shark in GTA V, only not as soon as originally thougt

So what does all of this mean? Is this an sign that next-gen systems will not be as powerful as one would have thought? Or does the game simply need more time for finishing touches. Sound off with your thoughts in the comments below.

0 thoughts on “GTA V- Two-Gen Release? Now Set for Sept

  1. I’m a little upset but I would rather wait for a perfect game then get one right away that’s all buggy. Let’s just hope it stays on PS3… Can’t afford a new console this year.

  2. I would fully expect this to hit the current generation consoles and next gen as well. I see many games going in this direction actually because the jump between the two wont be as drastic as the last switch.

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