
Tom Hiddleston Joins The Muppets… Again!, Christoph Waltz in After All

More good news involving The Muppets… Again! The European caper will include Ricky Gervais, Ty Burrell, Ray Liotta, and Tina Fey. Can we now add Tom Hiddleston to this fantastically growing cast? Looks that way. Tom Hiddleston’s client page over at Hamilton Hodell may have let it leak that the actor will be playing Great Escapo in The Muppets… Again! according to a blog called Muppets Henson (via Bleeding Cool).

Considering this news is true, and that Hiddleston is supposedly called The Great Escapo, I can only speculate that he’s the antagonist in the film, or a magician. Will this be much like his diabolical turn as Thor’s evil brother Loki in The Avengers? Hiddleston is always fun to watch onscreen.


When casting was first underway for The Muppets… Again! the first person involved in those talks was two-time Oscar winner Christoph Waltz. He eventually walked away from the project, but now it seems as if Ricky Gervais has confirmed his involvement. According to First Showing Gervais went on The Christian O’Connell Breakfast Show and said that Waltz has already been on set and finished filming his scenes. It looks like this will be more of a cameo, and not as big of a role as the Interpol inspector that eventually went to Ty Burrell. Regardless, this cast just keeps getting better and better.

What are your thoughts on the casting news?

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