the trailer park

The Trailer Park: Carrie

Welcome to the age of the remake.  It’s an age of questionable choices.  In the past five years, we’ve seen an unprecedented number of old classics either revived from the cassette box gratefully, or brought back to be ritually butchered on the tabernacle of the silver screen.  The success of a remake must depend on a set of rules that are hidden to me, at least.  Some old films can wear a modern interpretation like a good new watch chain.  Others are untouchable.   Some movies strike the first time so perfectly that they strike once and never need strike again and any remake looks like a glitzy afterimage on the screen.  I think it all comes down to the integrity of a film.  If a film is good, and well made, and tells a story, a remake amounts to a sort of insult or a useless exercise because a good director intends more than to display the newest effects or the best camera.   Good stories, told well, have an integrity to them.  I believe a remake works best when a brilliant idea is born into a modestly good film.  A director, years later, might look at that film and decide it deserves a revisitation.

At the very least, I can’t argue with the casting of the new Carrie, set to come out October 18, 2012.  Julianne Moore brings respectable clout to the table and there’s no doubt that Chloe Moretz is a promising young actor.  Kimberly Peirce, the director, intends the movie to follow the plot of the book more closely than its predecessor, which made certain amendments.  All in all, I have some tentative hopes about prom this year.

0 thoughts on “The Trailer Park: Carrie

  1. I rolled my eyes when I heard about this remake but I must say, the trailer looks promising to me. I’m glad it will follow the book more closely as well, so it’s not going to just be a clone of the original.

  2. Chloe Moretz Grace looks too pretty to be considered an outcast in my opinion. She doesn’t stand out like Sissy Spacek did in the original movie. I do like Julianne Moore very much but she too doesn’t look as menacing as Piper Laurie did. I know it’s not fair to compare this movie to that, but so far this is not looking too good.

    • My thoughts exactly Vern! Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie make such an astonishing pair in the original that I don’t think even Julianne Moore (one of my personal favourites) can do anything about it. I don’t have high hopes for this.

  3. Yeah, I think Moretz looks perfect in this. I like the fact that’s she’s pretty, but still an outcast because her mom’s controlling ways have made her awkward. Yet, she still has a positive outlook on the world, in a way. Moore is pretty haunting. I’m all in on this one.

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