the trailer park

The Trailer Park: A.C.O.D.

Not to get too personal, but I’m a child of divorce and it is no easy feat. That may be why the trailer for Stu Zicherman’s A.C.O.D. had me excited to see the film, or because it just looks great. I’m always in the middle when it comes to comedies, as there always seems to be more bad than good, but I’m a sucker for small, independent comedies that have meaning. Which A.C.O.D. looks to be.

The plot revolves around Carter (Adam Scott) who is a child of divorce. His parents Hugh (Richard Jenkins) and Melissa (Catherine O’Hara) absolutely hate each other, resulting in Carter going to see his therapist, Dr. Judith (Jane Lynch). It turns out that Carter had participated in a study about children of divorce in the past, unknowingly, and is asked to participate now, years later. To make matters worse, his brother is getting married which must bring the divorcees together for the time being.

It’s not overly simple which is a good thing for a comedy of this type, but it could fall too heavily on melodrama and anyone who knows comedies well knows that rarely works. There are plenty of chuckles in the trailer, nothing to make my gut-bust, so I’m hoping for something sweet and simple; kind of like The Way, Way Back. I think the biggest question is if Adam Scott can hold a film on his own. I’m not entirely sure. However, the cast is filled to brim with this one, also starring Amy Poehler, Jessica Alba, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Clark Duke.

A.C.O.D. opens October 4, 2013. Are you guys anxious to see this? Do you think it will be what I call a “smart comedy?” Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

3 thoughts on “The Trailer Park: A.C.O.D.

  1. This looks pretty damn good, I have to say. Hope Adam Scott is able to carry this film as the lead. I think he’s talented but haven’t seen him as a leading man ever. He’s got great support, though.

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