My Neighbor Totoro or Why I Love Cats so Much (Review)
1988 / M / Miyazaki Week / Reviews

My Neighbor Totoro or Why I Love Cats so Much (Review)

“When two girls move to the country to be near their ailing mother, they have adventures with the wonderous forest spirits who live nearby.” Directed by: Hayao Miyazaki, Rated: G, 86 minutes I have no idea of how Mr. Miyazaki comes up with the basic ideas for the stories he creates. That man’s mind is … Continue reading

Dec 17: Vampire’s Kiss
1988 / nic cage week / Reviews / V

Dec 17: Vampire’s Kiss

“After an encounter with a neck-biter, a publishing executive thinks that he’s turning into a vampire.” Directed by: Rober Bierman, Rated: R, 103 minutes Vampire’s Kiss proves that Nicolas Cage has always been one of the weirdest motherf**kers in Hollywood. It’s a film that’s so disturbingly bizarre on so many different levels and leaves you … Continue reading

May 26: Beetlejuice

May 26: Beetlejuice

“A couple of recently deceased ghosts contract the services of a “bio-exorcist” in order to remove the obnoxious new owners of their house.” Beetlejuice is a classic, hands down. It is Tim Burton at his best and a nice reminder of how good he used to be. Yes, used to. I don’t care what anyone … Continue reading