Dec 22: Five Reasons Why Love Actually is the Best Christmas Movie: A Review
2003 / L / Reviews

Dec 22: Five Reasons Why Love Actually is the Best Christmas Movie: A Review

As the year comes to an end, I’m getting a little burned out on my regular types of reviews. Seeing as I’ve written 356 reviews in 356 days, I think it’s safe to say I can experiment a little (yes, I’m tooting my own horn). And, given that this is a weekend review, I figured … Continue reading

July 10: Swimming Pool
2003 / Reviews / S

July 10: Swimming Pool

“A British mystery author visits her publisher’s home in the South of France, where her interaction with his unusual daughter sets off some touchy dynamics.” Directed by: François Ozon, Rated: NC-17, 102 minutes Swimming Pool is a slow burning film that never fully delivers. It’s an erotic thriller that focuses way too much on the nudity, … Continue reading