Serenity: Adventures in the Black
2005 / Reviews / S

Serenity: Adventures in the Black

Serenity is one of those movies that I watched once a while ago, was totally lukewarm towards, and then revisited later on and enjoyed on a whole different level. It’s still not quite where it needs to be, but it’s so charming (much like it’s preceding series) that I don’t really care. I am one … Continue reading

Pick Six:  Best Woody Allen Movies That Don’t Have Woody Allen in Them
1985 / 1994 / 1999 / 2005 / 2008 / 2011 / pick six / Years

Pick Six: Best Woody Allen Movies That Don’t Have Woody Allen in Them

This past  weekend celebrated the 77th birthday of  writer, director and sometime actor Woody Allen. Of all the directors in the world, none have had a more prolific career then the one Mr. Allen has achieved.  The man makes a movie every year, and he has been doing this 1967. That is extremely impressive, no matter … Continue reading