blogathons and such

October Blogathon: Most F**ked Up Movies You’ve Ever Seen

Movies are more than just film on a screen. They can be nightmares, haunting our dreams and sleepless nights. Movies keep us up at night, on edge under the covers, gripping the sheets as tight as we can whenever the slightest sound echoes through the empty house. Movies inspire fear. They make you wonder if … Continue reading

Stanley Kramer’s It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963): Universal Backlots Blogathon
blogathons and such / Essentials / Klassic Katz

Stanley Kramer’s It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963): Universal Backlots Blogathon

This post was originally published by Margaret Perry on The Great Katharine Hepburn on September 14, 2012. Kristen over at Journeys in Classic Film is hosting the Universal Backlot Blogathon this weekend to celebrate 100 years of Universal Studios films: “Have a review of a film that used the backlot (either completely or just for a scene counts)? Interested in the … Continue reading