R / Reviews

‘Riddick’ (2013): The Chronicles of Uninspired Fun (Review)

The universe of Riddick isn’t something I’ve exalted as much as other properties because when it comes down to it, each film has been mismanaged at some point or another. Pitch Black is an enjoyable time, but borrows way too much from others of the same genre; it wasn’t able to balance being an homage … Continue reading

Guest Review: Remember the Night
1940 / Guest Reviews / Klassic Katz / R / Reviews

Guest Review: Remember the Night

We journey back to 1940 for tonight’s Christmas film, a film featuring two huge stars of day; it’s Remember the Night.  I found this movie via Wikipedia and only knew it was the first film pairing up Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck, four years later they’d go on to make the film noir classic Double Indemnity.  This film is a … Continue reading