2011 / Reviews / S

“Source Code” (2011): Only 8 Minutes to Save the World (Review)

If you told me that I would ever watch a feature film that is only eight minutes long, I would tell you to shut up.  And if you told me that after the eight minutes, I would like it, I would tell you to shut up and then punch you.  And if you also told … Continue reading

2013 / Reviews / S

Quick Hitter Review: Side Effects

Cast: Rooney Mara, Jude Law, ,Channing Tatumn Writer: Scott Z. Burns Director: Steven Soderbergh Emily Taylor(Rooney Mara) has been suffering from depression ever since her husband Martin(Channing Tatum) was put in prison for insider trading. Upon him being released from prison, Emily becomes even more depressed; so much, to the point that she slams her car into a brick wall. … Continue reading