blogathons and such

The Shoes They Wear Blogathon

As some of you may know, last month I ran the Most F**ked Up Movies You’ve Ever Seen Blogathon. I received dozens of entries and the overall blogathon turned into one of the blog’s biggest successes. So, moving forward, I actually plan on doing a different blogathon each month with The Cinematic Katzenjammer itself reviewing tons of movies that fit in the category. Next to my Nic Cage Weeks, this idea will be the closest thing to a recurring theme. 

So, enough of that nonsense. I’m sure you’re all wondering what November has in store. Well, this month I wanted to take a common, Oscar-worthy genre that’s been popular in Hollywood since it’s very beginning and change it up a bit. I present to you The Shoes They Wear: A Blogathon of Lives More Ordinary

The Shoes They Wear is a blogathon of biopics of all sorts, from tales based off of real life musicians or historical figures to the unconventional story about a made up somebody. I want to see reviews and articles relating to films that follow the biopic formula as well as those that can be stretching it a bit. If you’re confused by what counts as a fictional biopic, some movies that would fall under that category would be Forrest Gump (the inspiration for the blogathon title) or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. And then, of course, you can imagine what would fall under the familiar biopic.

Now, just like last month, I want to see all sorts of articles concerning the blogathon topic. I want to see articles discussing your favorite biopic or reviews for the films. However, there’s one little bit of extra something I’ll ask of all of you and that is to either take an existing historical figure or make somebody up, and give that biopic a cast. For instance, I am obsessed with the life of Nikola Tesla. I plan on writing an article discussing my dream casting for a film about his life and even write about who I’d love to see direct it. Have fun with it, pick history’s overlooked icons and see what comes out of it. 

As Forrest Gump stated, “There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes .. Where they’re going, where they’ve been.” Share what you’ve learned and give us an idea of where they’re heading. 

What Happened To Hollywood- Yankee Doodle Dandy
Amanda Loves Movies- Goodfellas
Amanda Loves Movies- Ed Wood
Amanda Loves Movies- The Aviator
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop- The Fighter
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop- Bronson
Daniel’s Film Reviews- Lincoln

CK Reviews:
Catch Me If You Can
Big Fish
Sleepwalk with Me
Machine Gun Preacher
A Dangerous Method
Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey

Shane at Film Rehab Discusses 3 Biopics He’d Like to See

0 thoughts on “The Shoes They Wear Blogathon

  1. Oooh cool. I like this blogathon. Personally I’m not one for fucked up films, but I do love a good biopic. Unless my exams get in the way, count me in!

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