
Disney Builds Another Castle… at Netflix

Netflix just got a bit sexier. Disney, the studio behind every damn thing that’s coming out these days, has signed an exclusive deal with the online streaming service. Beginning in 2016 (the year after Star Wars VII and The Avengers 2), Netflix will have exclusive rights to Disney’s new releases. Starting next year, all of Disney’s direct-to-DVD sequels will be immediately available on Netflix instant watch and beginning very, very soon, Netflix subscribers will have access to such ‘classics’ as Alice in Wonderland, Dumbo, and Pocahantas.

Netflix continues to grow and this deal with Disney only adds a lot of momentum to their growth. While they are still working on acquiring the rights to other properties, you can expect that online streaming is going to play even a bigger part (much sooner) in the way we watch movies. As history has told us, whenever a format change in media happens, the way of porn and the way of Disney decide what’s going to win and what’s going to lose.

What are your thoughts on Netflix’s acquisition? What other studios would you like to see Netflix gain the rights too? Is there anything in particular you are waiting for before you become a subscriber? Leave your thoughts below.

0 thoughts on “Disney Builds Another Castle… at Netflix

      • LoveFilm is a much more expansive service than NetFlix and has a disc service like the US NetFlix but the European version lacks. I’ve not had the best experience with LoveFilm as a lot of the discs have been scratched and they claim you haven’t sent them back, etc. I’ve not tried the Instant service so I don’t know what the selection is like but i’ve heard that only certain films are available depending on what device you’re watching it, which limits your choice somewhat. LoveFilm Instant is still in its infancy though so, like NetFlix, I would assume it’ll improve.

      • Ah, well that sounds like you’re kind of stuck when it comes to streaming. I’m sorry to hear that. While Netflix has a lot over here, I think the universal feeling of “there’s nothing to watch” would apply to you even if you had access lol.

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