blogathons and such

My Movie Alphabet Blogathon Part I: A-F

Mettel Ray Movie Blog is hosting a blogathon for the ages. I’ll admit, I’m a little upset I didn’t come up with the genius idea but I’m glad a blog I really admire was able to come up with it. The idea behind the My Movie Alphabet Blogathon is exactly what you think it is. Come up with a list, A to Z of movies you love, actors you admire, directors you worship, or anything else related to the cinema. While this is quite the tasking idea and could be redone and redid over and over, I’m going to break up my entry for the blogathon into four segments. Onward to Part I!

 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford– 2007
Directed by
: Andrew Dominik, Rated: R,  160 minutes

Besides being fun to say, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is one of the most beautiful movies I have ever seen. With sweeping cinematography, gorgeous landscapes, and a genuine attention to detail, the film is much more than your average ‘western’. It also boasts incredible performances by a massive cast, with Brad Pitt (James) and Casey Affleck (Ford) stealing every scene they are in. 

Honorable Mentions: Alien, American Psycho, The Adventures of Tintin

 Before Sunset– 2004
Directed by: Richard Linklatter, Rated: R, 80 minutes

Very few times have two people shared a screen so wonderfully as Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy do in Before Sunset. Nine years after the events of Before Sunrise, we see Jesse and Celine reuinted in Paris, rekindling the feelings they were never able to let go of. Before Sunset is an 80 minute conversation that never feels boring and the smallest nuances and details between the two destined lovers is both beautiful and hard to watch. Easily one of the greatest romances of the 20th century.

Honorable Mentions: The Bourne Ultimatium, Back to the Future, Boogie Nights

 Children of Men– 2006
Directed by
: Alfono Cuaron, Rated: R, 109 minutes

Children of Men is an example of perfect film-making merging with perfect storytelling and perfect acting. It’s a very underrated masterpiece that shows an all-too possible dystopian society and the chaos that ensues. It’s beautiful in its tragedy and Cuaron manages to turn the end of the world into something that’s quite optimistic. The movie also features multiple scenes that are filmed in a single take and leave you absolutely amazed.

Honorable Mentions: Catch Me If You Can, A Clockwork Orange, Coraline

 The Dark Knight– 2008
Directed by: Christopher Nolan, Rated: PG-13, 152 minutes

The Dark Knight is talked about every time a list is compiled, of any kind. It’s a modern masterpiece that changed the superhero genre as well as how films are made (IMAX, anyone?). It’s an epic on a level we haven’t seen and gives us the perfect incarnations of both Batman and The Joker. Heath Ledger is phenomenal as the Clown Prince and his swan song performance leaves you entertained and in fear.

Honorable Mentions: The Darjeeling Limited, Dead Poets Society, Dr. Strangelove

 Emma Stone

Does Ms. Stone even need an explanation? She started off as a girl we could all like in Superbad and quickly became the girl we all love and want to be with or be or marry or be tied to a tree in the middle of the woods with. Stone has continually proven to be more than just your blonde twenty-something and does great in a huge cast (Crazy, Stupid, Love) or even on her own (Easy A). Andrew Garfield is the luckiest man alive. 

Honorable Mentions: Ethan Hawke, Idris Elba, Eric Bana


 From Dusk Till Dawn-1996
Directed by
: Robert Rodriguez, Rated: R, 108 minutes

From Dusk Till Dawn is a combination of all that is awesome. Robert Rodriguez, George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino (as both writer and actor), Harvey Keitel, Salma Hayek, and Danny Trejo all come together for the best vampire movie ever made. The film is smart, hilarious, and full of more than enough blood and gore and leaves you all sorts of happy. Not to mention, it boasts some great makeup and effects and a small  role of Tom Savini, who stars as Sex Machine.

Honorable Mentions: Forrest Gump, Fargo, Finding Nemo

Well folks, there are my choices for the letters A to F. I’ll have Part II posted sooner than later but in the mean time, what are your favorite movies/actors/actresses/directors/characters from A to F?

0 thoughts on “My Movie Alphabet Blogathon Part I: A-F

  1. “the girl we all love and want to be with or be or marry or be tied to a tree in the middle of the woods with”. Amen to this! Ahem. Great choices here Nick. Yet another endorsement for Before Sunrise/Before Sunset. I really need to check those out.

  2. When does this blogathon end? I’ve only just seen it, and it seems really interesting. I just know it’ll take me ages to get a list together.

    Brilliant start by the way, From Dusk ’til Dawn is my favourite on that list but I can’t argue with any of them!

  3. Pingback: My Movie Alphabet Blogathon Part II: G-L | The Cinematic Katzenjammer

  4. Pingback: My Movie Alphabet Blogathon Part III: M-R | The Cinematic Katzenjammer

  5. Pingback: My Movie Alphabet Blogathon Part IV: S-Z | The Cinematic Katzenjammer

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