
Ty Burrell Signs on to Star in The Muppets Sequel

Casting for The Muppets sequel is officially underway. Modern Family star and Emmy award winning actor Ty Burrell has signed on to play an Interpol inspector in the sequel to The Muppets. According to Heath Vision this is the same role that Christoph Waltz was previously in talks to play. Waltz’s schedule didn’t line up with the schedule of the film and this opened the door for television’s favorite dad.

We can surely look forward to numerous cameos, like in the first film, but Burrell is officially the first actor to sign on to the film. The plot of the film hasn’t been released as of yet, but we do know that the sequel will be a European caper. So, you have the Interpol inspector that Ty Burrell signed on for and a Russian femme fatale that has yet to be cast.

Nicholas Stoller and director James Bobin have re-teamed to write the follow-up screenplay. Bobin will direct once again, but Jason Segel is reportedly not involved with the sequel. Flight of the Conchords singer, Bret McKenzie will also return to write the original songs for the film.

Who would you like to see make an appearance in The Muppets sequel?

0 thoughts on “Ty Burrell Signs on to Star in The Muppets Sequel

  1. I am a huge huge huge huge fan of Modern Family and Ty’s character, Phil, is one of the best characters I have ever seen on TV (I’d like to think I’d be a lot like him once I have kids). This news makes me so happy. Two of my favorite things coming together. Let’s just hope Burrell’s European accent won’t be like Steve Martin’s in The Pink Panther.

  2. Me too. I think he’s the best character on TV. I was wondering when he was going to get any substantial movie roles and he seems like a perfect fit for The Muppets.

  3. Pingback: Ricky Gervais in Talks for Leading Role in The Muppets Sequel | The Cinematic Katzenjammer

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