blogathons and such

The CK’s Not-So-Secret Santa Review Swap (in July)

Welcome to The CK’s Not-So-Secret Santa Review Swap (in July), a brand new blogathon/event that hopes to bring some holiday cheer to an increasingly hotter and hotter summer.

So, you’re probably wondering, what’s this Secret Santa thing you got going on? Oh, and look at that wonderful logo for the event as well! I wonder who made it? 

The Secret Santa Review Swap is an idea I had awhile ago that I thought would be a simple, yet very effective way for all of us to come together and literally force each other to watch films we may not normally see on our own. And yes, it is a great logo. Thank you to Chris of Film Hipster for the work.

The way the event works is simple. You sign up to participate, including your name, website (if you have one), email, and a particular film you’d love to see someone else review.  Now, this can be anything from the bizarre to your favorites, any everything in between. Hell, it can be a horror movie you’re just too afraid to see by yourself, and want to have someone else experience the fear first, just so you can get a better idea of what to expect.

imagesOnce you sign up, you’ll be put into the “pool” of other people who have entered and, at a later date, I will assign a particular film to you that someone else suggested. It really works just like a Secret Santa, but instead of giving gifts, you’re giving reviews.

Of course, just because it’s called a Review Swap, it doesn’t mean that’s all you can do. Heck, some of us don’t have our own websites to “broadcast” our thoughts. You can put together an essay, a poem, or even draw a picture inspired by the particular film you’re assigned. Honestly, you can do whatever you want (as long as it’s somehow related to the film).

Now you’re wondering, why’s this called Not-So-Secret? 

Well obviously, once those who have entered provide their material inspired by their assigned film, links, images, and all sorts of information will come pouring in. It’s not so anonymous, nor would I not want to give credit where it is due. Also, Not-So-Secret sounded cooler.

I also would love to encourage all of our non-blogging readers to participate as well. If you want to give writing reviews a shot, now is your chance. Or if any of you out there are incredible artists, feel free to use this as an excuse to show off your work and bask in the glory of the internet.

So what do I have to do to enter?

Good question! All you need to do to enter is comment below, with your email address and enthusiasm, and I will contact you to “retrieve” your film. Or if you don’t want to have your email address hanging in the wind for everyone to see, you can email me at

Please keep in mind, if you do not have a website of your own, I will gladly post whatever you write/make/etc. on The CK. 

Awesome! Are there any dates I need to keep in mind if I plan on entering?

Yes, in matter of fact there are. Below are the important dates to keep in mind for the Secret Santa.

Sign-Ups Open: July 6, 2013

Sign-Ups Close: July 13, 2013

Santas Assigned: July 15, 2013

All Entries Must be Received by July 31, 2013

Email Here

Please feel free to post your entries on your own sites once you’ve been given your film and I will try to highlight them the best I can throughout the entire month.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below. We look forward to the (hopefully) the first of many Not-So-Secret Santa Review Swaps!

65 thoughts on “The CK’s Not-So-Secret Santa Review Swap (in July)

  1. BAMMM!!!! I am in for this. You know how to contact me. I can’t wait for people to review the movie I have set forth for them. Note*** It’s not a disturbing torture like movie, but some of you may think that it is. Cue my evil ” Meniacal” laugh

  2. Hmmmm. Alright, I’m in. You know where to reach me, right Nick?

    Anyway, formal stuff:

    Name: You Know Who


    email: In your inbox,

    and a particular film you’d love to see someone else review (flips twenty coins):

    Ha. They all landed on their edges. Evilspeak it is (The Two Jakes was on the other side of those coins, by the way)…

  3. Pingback: Have Blogathon? Will Travel! | "DESTROY ALL FANBOYS!"

  4. I’ve been out of the loop for a while, my apologies Nick. But this sounds great, I look forward to seeing how it all progresses 🙂

    Good work dude!

  5. Sarah and I are in, though because of our crazy schedules this summer we have to put ourselves down as a duo instead of being separate. Maybe we’ll do a video review of whatever film we’re given. Haven’t done one of those in a while!

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  7. Pingback: Random Film of the Week*: Code 46 | "DESTROY ALL FANBOYS!"

  8. Pingback: Man, I Love Films – VAULT REVIEW: THE UNTOUCHABLES

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