blogathons and such / nic cage week

Nic(k) Nacks and Facial Tics: A Blogathon

A new month means a new blogathon and I figured the best way to wrap up the year was to have something that related not only to myself, but to the American icon (and legend), Nicolas Cage. As most of you may know, every few months or so, I dedicate an entire week to Cage and watch seven of his movies in seven days. This time around, however, I have decided to dedicate an entire month to the man and anyone else named Nic or Nick. So instead of an entire week dedicated to him, expect to see a lot of his films popping up the next 3o days.

Years of facial tics have resulted in The Cage we know today- hair-brained, crazy, and absolutely perfect.

Along with Nicolas Cage movies, I want to see your reviews or articles about any other movie starring a famous Nick or Nicholas or Nicolas or Nic. Heck, even if the main character’s name is Nick, I want that review. Keep in mind, with this being December and all, ANYTHING feature Santa also counts, as we all know he is the one and only St. Nick. For reference, I’ll have a list of actors named Nick added to this post so you can look through what you already have and find something to include. Folks, I unleash upon you, the Nic(k) Nacks and Facial Tics Blogathon. May the glory of Cage and friends roll on in and that we may be graced with the presences of many wonderful hair pieces and bits of over-acting.

May sure to check out all of the previous films of The Cage I have already reviewed here.

The Nick List
Nicolas Cage
Nicholas Hoult
Nick Nolte
Nick Offerman
Nick Frost

Committed to Celluloid’s Reviews:
Nicholas Holt
X-Men First Class Review
A Single Man Review
Nick Frost
Snow White and the Huntsman Review
Nick Nolte
Warrior Review
Nicholas Stoller (Director)
The Five-Year Engagement Review
Get Him to the Greek Review

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  1. Pingback: Dec 14: Face/Off | The Cinematic Katzenjammer

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