blogathons and such

The Shoes They Wear Blogathon Recap

November has officially been put away and it marks the end of my blogathon, The Shoes They Wear. While the turnout, I must admit, was disappointing compared to October’s there are still a good handful of entries that make it all worthwhile. For those of you who did not know, the blogathon focused on biopics, those based off of real lives and those made up (see Forrest Gump). I also opened up the table to anyone wanting to talk about what biopics they would like to see. Below is the final list of everything that came to be.

Thank you to all who participated.

What Happened To Hollywood- Yankee Doodle Dandy
Amanda Loves Movies- Goodfellas
Amanda Loves Movies- Ed Wood
Amanda Loves Movies- The Aviator
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop- The Fighter
Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop- Bronson
Daniel’s Film Reviews- Lincoln

CK Reviews:
Catch Me If You Can
Big Fish
Sleepwalk with Me
Machine Gun Preacher
A Dangerous Method
Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey

Shane at Film Rehab Discusses 3 Biopics He’d Like to See

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